
2023 Property Taxes % Lavon Exemptions - from taxable value on home or property
City of Lavon 0.420000 Incentives: Homestead 1% ($5,000 min) Disabled Person $ 20,000+freeze, Over 65 $20,000 + freeze, Freeport & Goods In Transit
Community ISD 1.257500 Incentives: Homestead $100,000, Disabled $10,000 + freeze, Over 65 $10,000 + freeze
Collin County 0.149343 Incentives: Homestead 5% ($5,000 min), Disabled $20,000+ freeze, Over 65 $30,000 + freeze, Freeport
Co. College 0.081220 Incentives: Homestead 20% ($5,000 min) Over 65 $100,000+ freeze, Disabled $100,000 + freeze, Freeport & Goods In Transit

1.908063/per$100 valuation

Plus for property in 

Elevon MUD #1a

1.20000 additional 

Sales Tax - 8.25% (Texas 6.25% Lavon  2.0%)
Franchise Tax Texas –On corporations, 0.25% of taxable capital starting with taxable capital over $900,000.
Income Tax- None in Texas